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Javelosa |
Material based
on Game Design Workshop Copyright © 2004-2008 Tracy Fullerton used by permission of author |
12 - team
working as a game designer with a team
Publisher versus developer Developer's Team Game designer Producer Programmers Visual artists Music/Audio Level Designer QA engineers/Test Publisher's Team Producer Marketing Team Execs QA Usability specialists Team Profile - Reputation Design Contributions Team Building Team Communications - Conducting meetings - Games and teamplay The Right Environment Everyone belongs Excersises Create a virtual team. Divide each of the group into specific disciplines and list the key components that each member is responsible for. Have the designated producer deliver a concept report to the class at large. Inside each of the groups, identify a marketing identity for your game. Write three or four major features as selling points for the game campaign. Sketch a box mock-up. In a circular presentation, have each team pose questions regarding usibility, to the next team, until every game team has been asked. What perspectives does the third party group find that the original team did not see but is able to use? Reading Assignment Review: Team Structures
Copyright © 2004 - 2014 David Javelosa |