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Javelosa |
Material based
on Game Design Workshop Copyright © 2004-2008 Tracy Fullerton used by permission of author |
03 - working
with formal elements
formal elements in game design
What are the Roles of the Players? Player Interaction Patterns - (chart pg. 46, Game Design Workshop) Game Objectives 1. Capture Game Procedures Procedures are the method of play, not the rules. Procedures are the who, what, where, when and how. - Starting Action Compare a board game with a typical side-scrolling video game; instructions and actions. System Procedures are imbedded in game play design, typically in video games (more on this later). Procedures, along with rules, define a game environment. They can create restraints that keep the game interesting and the creativity consistant. Rules Rules define what is allowed in the game play. They guide the action to make game play challenging, sometimes by resolving loopholes in the game procedures. Too many rules, however, can make a game tedious or unplayable. Some of the best games have the fewest or simplest rules. The best games are easiest to learn and challenging to master. What are examples of rules in your favorite games? sports? Rules define objects and concepts. Resources How do we determine our abilities in a game? our progress? our score? - lives Conflict What is it? and how is it balanced? If a game is too easy OR too hard, its not fun! - obstacles Boundaries Similar to rules and conflicts, they guide the action to make game play challenging. They separate the game from what is not the game. Like procedures, they define the game environment. Outcome The goal of a game system is to produce a particular outcome, win
or lose. What is the win/lose criteria for a game? Excersises What happens when any one element in a simple card game is removed? How would you modify Tic-tac-toe for more than 2 players? What is an example of a game for each of the interaction patterns? List objectives of some favorite games. What are the procedures for a game of Black Jack? (starting, special and resolving actions) Describe rules that restrict action in your favorite games. What are the resources in Scrabble? Doom? Name a game that uses each of the particular resource types. Explain how conflict is created in a number of games. What elements or combination creat the conflict? Determine the boundaries in a favorite game. What is the difference between physical and conceptual boundaries? Name two games with a winner/loser balance. Name two without. What is the difference? Change the rules and procedures of a simple game like backgammon so it is not dependent on chance. What happens? Reading Assignment Review: Formal Game Elements
Copyright © 2004 - 2014 David Javelosa |