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David Javelosa

Copyright © 2004-2014 David Javelosa unless otherwise stated.

Material based on Game Design Workshop
Copyright © 2004-2008
Tracy Fullerton
used by permission of author
week 02 - structure of games

the structure of games

Card game vs. First-person Shooter: Go Fish vs. Quake

- players
- objectives
- procedures
- rules
- resources
- conflict
- boundaries
- outcome
- formal elements*

Engaging the Player
- Challenge
- Play
- Premise
- Character
- Story
- Dramatic Elements*

(*to be expanded on later)

Sum of the Parts

Defining what games are

There is no absolute nature of games within the general description.
The starting point is to determine a working language for creating the game design.
Working within a process will create system for engaging the player.


Think of, and describe in detail TWO different games. (The more different the better.) Then compare the two descriptions, asking which elements are different and which are similar from the most basic level.

Describe the difference in player interaction a card game and a first-person multi-player shooter.

List five games and their objectives in one sentence each.

What would be a game with NO rules? With only ONE rule?

Compare and contrast the main conflict in Football vs. Poker. How are these conflicts created for each player?

Name three games that you find challenging and tell why.

Describe the premise for four different games that you are most familiar with

Which stories within a game have you found to be the most effective? Why or why not?

- how to play

What are the formal elements?
- players
- objective
- procedures
- rules
- conflict
- boundaries
- outcome

What are the dramatic elements?
- challenge
- play
- premise/character/story
What could be added to the game design?

Reading Assignment

Review class notes and Game Design Workshop perspectives.

  • Chapter 2: The Structure of Games

Copyright © 2004 - 2014 David Javelosa