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David Javelosa


Copyright © 2015 David Javelosa unless otherwise stated.


week 10 - MIDI pt.2 - audio production for animation

Working with MIDI

Hybrid Audio Production

By combining MIDI and digital audio loops in a program like Acid, the best of both worlds can be optimized. On the digital audio side (loops), Acid will optimize a high quality playback format by playing back loops. Only one copy of each loop used need be part of the file, saving space. Using the MIDI features takes advantage of the very small data size of MIDI instruction code and relies on the installed synthesizer of the playback system, whether this is a software synthesizer, a custom wave table in the game platform memory, or an external hardware synthesizer in a professional recording studio. These features can also be created in Pro Tools.

MIDI pt.2

Most MIDI editors will allow editing in a variety of views; including Event List, Graphic (piano roll) and even Musical Notation view. This is a great improvement on the original MIDI editors that only showed a command line event list, similar to basic code programming.

Typical Components of a MIDI Sequencer Program

A MIDI Event as Binary Information

MIDI Events in a Sequencer's List View

Dynamic allocation allows for seamless playback of MIDI data to be performed on a system with a limitied number of voices, such as platform game machines and early sound cards. Early game audio tools required detailed editing to ensure that only the maximum number of voices was being used.

Dynamic Allocation of Synthesizer Voices

How a Synthesizer Filters MIDI Data

General MIDI was a way to systemize instrument patches to provide universal playback

The General MIDI Instrument Specification

The General MIDI Drum Specification on Channel 10

audio production for animation

AKA: Animated, Animator
The process of creating the illusion of motion by creating individual frames, as opposed to filming naturally-occuring action at a regular frame rate. See also computer generated animation, claymation, time lapse. Contrast with motion capture, rotoscoping.

All of the audio components in full motion picture are even more critical when supporting animation:

  • Dialogue Production
  • Sound Effects
  • Musical Score

Tips for spotting to cues in cut videos

  • anticipate the action by sliding the cue forward and backward
  • use the M key for initial spotting session; go through the whole footage several times, placing and labeling markers
  • think in layers! What is going on in the different areas of foreground, middleground and background
  • what is the most important sound in the scene?

Mid Term Audio Design project, due the Week 11; NEXT WEEK!

Copyright © 2012 - 2015 David Javelosa