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David Javelosa

Copyright © 2001-2020, David Javelosa unless otherwise stated.


week 10 - Interface, Health, Timing and Tiles





The Computer - a prototyping platform; a distribution hub (internet); portable/wireless development and run-time play; a common system and standard platform; less in price/more accessible/more common usage; downloadable media hub;


The Console - the end-user run-time platform; expandible and scalable; still determined by seasonal markets; still prorpietary development tools but production units can be used for development; hardrives and modems; connectivity for multi-user and media downloads; just as powerfull as desktop systems; a cornerstone to the "new" livingroom?


What makes an effective title? INTERFACE!


Game Treatment

Concept Guidelines


"THE" CONCEPT: What is it?




Target Audience:


Main Plot:




Control Functions: INTERFACE!



Production Issues: Licence, footage

Point of view: 1st, removed, multi-player (how to in Game Maker?)

Game Type:

visual Style:

Technology: platform,

Sound: types of generation,



Why is it fun? Replay value?

How do you know you've won? How long does it take?

What would make someone buy it?


How is it Interactive?


What kind of title do you want to make?


What platform is it appropriate for?


Bit-maps -> Vectors -> Sprites -> Tiles -> Polygons -> Texture Maps -> Proximity Maps


More about Rooms in Game Maker



- Besides loading backgrounds from graphic files, backgrounds can also be created and edited; including gradient fill.
- Smooth edges can be applied to keep transparent backgrounds from looking too "blocky".
- Preload Textures allows backrounds to be put into video memory immediately to avoid visual delays in game


Backgrounds can be generated from a set of TILES or collection of smaller images in one big image. The subimages can be used in different places in the room. Check Use as tile set.



Size must be adjusted using settings. Be aware that interpolation between pixels in global game settings should be used to eliminate cracks between tiles. Pixels should match in the file to the picture your are creating.


To add tiles to the room as a background, select the TILE tab and load the background tile set. The tiled background can be used as Transparant on top of a loaded or gradient background. When separation is put between sprites, pixels must match up to avoid cracks between tiles; check interpolation between pixels in global game settings.


DEPTH can be used for creating an order of visual priority. Instances with the smallest depth are drawn last. When instances have the same depth, they are drawn in the order in which they are created. Negative depth can be used to guarantee priorities.


PERSISTANT OBJECTS will continue to exist from one room to the next; but they can be destroyed on command. Only on instance needs to be placed in the first room. This is a powerfull feature but must be used carefully as they can lead to bugs.


Parent Objects


When an object has a parent object, it will have the same behaviour of that object. It can also have it's own properties such as different sprites, but also include common behaviours. For instance, if you destroy the parent object, all children objects will be destroyed.


Individual events in the child object can "overide" the behaviours of the parent object. Creating parent or "base" objects is a very efficient way to create several objects that will act similarly. For instance if there are different objects in different rooms that have the same behaviour such as collision or gravity, they can all share the behaviours of a parent object.


Review Game Maker resources to date - explore Script execution in GM examples


Copyright © 2001-2014, David Javelosa unless otherwise stated.