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11 - Powerpoint, transisions, sound, video, navigation
Transitions When a new slide is created from the pull down menu, under Slide Layout, you can select Slide Transitions. Under this menu there are a large number of special visual effects for making the transition from one slide to another. This can be adjusted for timing, sound, and automation. By going to the slider sorter view, several slides can be seen and given transition settings at once. Add transitions between slidesTo do the following: Add the same transition to all slides in a slide show presentation
Add different transitions between slides Repeat the following process for each slide you want to add a different transition to.
Turn slide timings on or off in a presentationTurning off timings does not delete them; you can turn them back on at any time without having to recreate them.
Set timings for a slide showTo do the following: Set timings manually Repeat the following process for each slide you want to set the timing for.
If you want the next slide to appear either when you click the mouse or automatically after the number of seconds you enter— whichever comes first— select both the On mouse click and the Automatically after check boxes. Record timings while you rehearse
If you know the timing you want for a slide, you can enter it directly in the Slide Time box of the Rehearsal toolbar. Sound and Video Media, such as sound and video, can be inserted into a slide from the Insert menu or activated as an Action Setting by right-clicking an object on the slide. Audio has the option of showing as a "speaker" icon or an invisible hot spot. Video will appear as a single frame or thumbnail. Both can be set to play automatically or with user interaction.
Navigation Navigating any digital media, whether it be a presentation, kiosk, web page or game interface, can be approached in different ways. Traditional media presents in a linear path, such as print, film and video. Digital Media can be presented interactively, giving the user options of what to see and in what order. Making Powerpoint "hot" Any object in a Powerpoint file can be given Action Settings that make it "hot" or click-able. This interactivity provides direction as well as feedback for the user. Actions include playing media, like sound or video, to navigating to any slide, or even an external web site. To make navigation easier, s lides can be individually named, usually after the text in the title screen. Viewing slides in outline mode helps to organize this. By right-clicking on the text box object OR individual selection of text, and going to Action Settings, a hyperlink can be set up to go to any slide; either by position or specific Name (slide). Sound can also be applied as part of the Action Setting.
Other actions can be assigned to the Mouse Over gesture, giving even more feedback to the user.
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