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David Javelosa

Copyright © 2011, David Javelosa unless otherwise stated


week 07 - Powerpoint: text and image presentation, design, sound, animation

Creating a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint involves starting with a basic design; adding new slides and content; choosing layouts; modifying slide design, if you want, by changing the color scheme or applying different design templates; and creating effects such as animated slide transitions. The information below focuses on the options available to you when you start the process.

Upon opening Powerpoint, the presentation is ready for text, pictures, and media.

The text of your presentation , such as in outline form, can be imported directly into Powerpoint to start the document with previously written material.

The main edit window showing thumbnails to the left and the current slide. Drawing tools are available on the bottom and text tools are at the top to start; but you can customize the work environment to suit the project or your personal working style.

In the slide view, you can visualize the entire presentation. This is also the best way to plan sequence, transitions and timing.

A variety of different text and content layouts are immediately available to choose from in the Slide Layout pallate. A presentation can be based on one, or many different types of layout designs, depending on the content or style.

Design template   Base your presentation on a PowerPoint template that already has a design concept, fonts, and color scheme. In addition to the templates that come with PowerPoint, you can use one you created yourself


Adding pictures is as easy as Insert menu > PICTURE > From File. Graphic files can also be added by simply dragging-and-dropping the file from Windows directly into the slide. Sizing handles are availble to adjust size and skew; as well as the Picture pallete for editing in PowerPoint. Other picture objects include Clip Art, drawing shapes and an Org Chart editor.


Sound is easily brought in to the presentation from the Insert menu > Movies and Sounds. Right-clicking on the sound icon brings up the Options. If a sound is over a certain size, PowerPoint will link to the sound file; so it is imporant to keep a copy of the sound file with the presentation file.

How to Run a Continuous PowerPoint Presentation (Kiosk) With Continuous Music or Sound

1. Open the presentation.
2. Click the Slide Show menu, then Set up Show.
3. Under Show type place a dot next to Browsed at a kiosk (full screen). Note: the Loop continuously until ‘esc’ under Show options is automatically checked.
4. Under Advance slides place a dot next to Using timings, if present. You will now need to set the timing for the slides.
5. Click OK to close the box.

To Set Slide Transition and Timing:
1. While still in your presentation, click the Slide Show menu, then Slide Transition.
2. Select a Slide Transition, a Speed, and Sound for the slide transition. The sound for the PowerPoint presentation is given below. If you use a transition, it will kill the background music unless background music is an MP3 file.
3. Under Advance slide, check Automatically after and set the minutes or seconds at which you wish for your slides transitions to advance.
4. Click the Apply to All Slides.


How to Set Continuous Music or Sound to a PowerPoint Presentation

  1. Open the presentation or while still in your presentation
  2. Click on the Insert menu, point to Movies and Sounds, then do one of the following:
    a. Click Sound from File, search for and select the sound file (MP3) and/or Track#. Click OK. A small speaker icon appears on the slide. Click Yes for sound to begin playing automatically in the slide show.
    b. Click Sound from Clip Organizer, search for and select the Sound Clip. A small speaker icon appears on the slide. Click Yes for sound to begin playing automatically in the slide show.
    c. Click Play CD Audio Track; select the Start and End Time and Track. A small speaker icon appears on the slide. Click Yes for sound to begin playing automatically in the slide show.
  3. Important: To adjust the settings for the sound file, right-click on the sound icon. On the pop-up menu select Custom Animation.
  4. Click the down arrow next to sound file/track you selected. Choose Effect Options.
  5. In the Play Sound dialog box under the Effect tab Start Playing: place a dot next to From beginning. Stop playing: place a dot next to After and put the number for the last slide in your presentation.
  6. Click on the Timing Tab. Select the down arrow next to Start and select With Previous. Select the down arrow next to Repeat and choose Until End of Slide. Click OK.

PowerPoint presentation due week 08

Reading Assignment:

  • Powerpoint - Online help files & video tutorials

Copyright © 2008-2011 - David Javelosa