home | et40 - digital audio fundamentals -2014 edition

David Javelosa

Copyright © 2003 - 2014 David Javelosa unless otherwise stated.

et40 assignments - week 02, week 05, week 08, week 12

week 02 assignment - report due week 05

Read class notes up to week 5.

Write a report describing the audio design of a movie or video game of your choice, due week 05.
Select a 2 minute segment, intro, scene or game level, and describe every sound that is being heard by the audience. Report should be around three pages, typed.

It should cover the following topics:

Discuss what the director or producer was trying to attain with the sound design. Also, what do you think the sound editor had to work with to attain this final result?

week 05 assignment, tutorial, reading, due week 06 * Read class notes up to week 6.

* Complete Tour and Overview of Pro Tools

week 06 assignment, Mid Term pro tools project, due the Week 08
Develop a short, 3 minute sound design that should, at a minimum, contain the following elements :

Grades at the "A" level will require more than these minimums. The more original the design, the better the grade.

Additional possibilities include:

This assignment will be delivered on audio CD. Please check with the lab if you need to learn to burn to CD.

week 9 assignment, FINAL pro tools project, Due Week 16

Develop a sound design for the provided video clip that should contain the following elements :

Grades at the "A" level will require more than these minimums. The more original the design, the better the grade.

Additional possibilities include:

Copyright © 2003 - 2014 David Javelosa