home | et39 - digital audio design for games - 2015 edition

David Javelosa


Copyright © 2015 David Javelosa unless otherwise stated.

et39 assignments - #1, #2, #3, #4, #5,#6, # 7
assignment #1- Sound Effect project due week 03

Using the SFXR and Audacity, generate and edit the list of Sound Effect cues in the Gamemaker Template.

These may be generated by SFXR to match the cue description, saved to .WAV, and edited in Audacity for originality and effects processing.
Once loaded into Gamemaker, they should play from the first page of the runtime program.

Please submit as a Gamemaker source file with the following naming convention: YOURNAME_01_ET13

assignment #2 - Sampled Sound Effect due week 06

Record, create and/or modify Sample Based sound effects using Audacity:

These may originate from the sample sound effects library. Edited and saved to .WAV in Audacity.
Once loaded into Gamemaker, they should play from the first page of the runtime program.

Please submit as a Gamemaker source file with the following naming convention: YOURNAME_02_ET13

assignment #3 - Branching Sound/Music Loops due week 08

Record, create and/or modify branching Music or Ambient Sound loops using Audacity.
Material should be thematically related to the previous and following loop; as well as related to each level.

These may originate from the sample sound effects library. Edited and saved to .WAV in Audacity.
Once loaded into Gamemaker, they should play from the second page of the runtime program.

Please submit as a Gamemaker source file with the following naming convention: YOURNAME_03_ET13

assignment #4 - Video Score Midterm Project due week 11

Develop a short, 2-3 minute sound design to provided Video that should, at a minimum, contain the following elements :

  • sound effects, at least one custom designed
  • music bed track
  • voice over
  • delivery as .WMV titled YOURNAME_04_ET13

assignment #5 - Layered Loop Project due week 13

Record, create and/or modify Music or Ambient Sound loops using Audacity; that will layer with each other.

Each layered loop should blend well with the others. Once loaded into Gamemaker, they should play from the third page of the runtime program.

This test page will play each loop in combination with the previous loops in the interface.

Please submit as a Gamemaker source file with the following naming convention: YOURNAME_05_ET13

assignment #6 - Tracked Loop Project due week 15

Record, create and/or modify Music or Ambient Sound loops using Audacity; that will layer with any combination of each other.

Each layered loop should blend well with the others. Once loaded into Gamemaker, they should play from the fourth page of the runtime program.

This test page will play each loop individually with any or all of the other loops in the interface.

Please submit as a Gamemaker source file with the following naming convention: YOURNAME_06_ET13

assignment #7 - Final Game Template Project due week 16

Develop a sound design for the provided game file that should contain the following elements :

  • sound effects
  • music, looping phrase or bed track
  • voice over
  • delivery in GameMaker template

Additional possibilities include:

  • musical arrangement with track looping
  • voice over or dialogue matched to character events (dubbed)
  • transitions
  • fades
  • expanded GameMaker template
Please submit as a Gamemaker source file with the following naming convention: YOURNAME_Final_ET13

Grades at the "A" level will require more than these minimums. The more original the design, the better the grade.

Copyright © 2005 - 2015 David Javelosa