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David Javelosa


Copyright © 2015 David Javelosa unless otherwise stated.


week 15 - review and prep for final project & automation modes


review and prep for final project


The most important sound element in a production is: dialogue

kHz refers to: frequency, pitch, or sample rate

The technical quality of a file of digital audio is determined by: sample rate and dynamic bit depth

The sample rate for audio on music CD is: 44kHz

ADR stands for: automatic dialogue recording, the process of looping dialogue to visual footage

Foley sounds are: studio recorded sound effects done to picture

When layering sound effects to create a new sound, what kinds of effects will blend best together? sounds of different frequency ranges

Source music is: music heard in a movie that is coming from something on screen, i.e. the radio or a live band

The term “cue” refers to: a "spotted" moment in the footage that requires a sound or piece of music

You are the sound recordist on a film that is shooting a scene in a cathedral. The director tells you that he wants the dialogue lines to be recorded with the reverberation of the space. As a responsible sound person, what do you tell the director?
Record the dialogue dry to the footage and add the reverb later in post-production.

The meters representing volume in Pro Tools hitting red means: the signal is peaking or going beyond the input's abillity to capture the sound

The three basic types of sound in order of importance are: dialogue, sound effects, and music

Why might you need to record music for animation before the animation was drawn? to establish character movement for the animation

What is meant by the term "dynamics"? the range between the loudest and the softest parts of a sound track

Discuss how the sound and/or score is used for dramatic impact.

plugin parameter automation continued

Plug-in Automation

1. Don't forget: besides vector control, automation can be edited after realtime automation recording for detailed activity.

Copyright © 2012 - 2015 David Javelosa