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David Javelosa


Copyright © 2015 David Javelosa unless otherwise stated.


week 05 - compositing sound and layerings


Vertical: mixing different components together in a multi track application: - Sounds that blend best together are those of DIFFERENT FREQUENCIES.

Vertical Sound Design or "mixing"

Horizontal: sequencing different components in time: - Proximity of short clips in time provide profound changes in how the sound is percieved.

Replicating the ATTACK, DECAY, SUSTAIN, and RELEASE of a natural sound event
is a handy way to visualize a "horizontal" or "sequenced" sound design



Listening for Layers

What do we hear?

  • dialogue
  • hard drive noise
  • fan noise
  • no low-end due to small speakers
  • keyboard or controller clicks

Natural Ambiance: Reverberation and wind

  • Once it is recorded, it is impossible to eliminate!
  • There is less reverb away from walls, record in the middle of a room.
  • Keep the mic closest to the source (i.e. mouth).
  • To eliminate both wind and breath sounds, use a windscreen (foam sleeve) on the mic.
  • In a given situation, keep recording levels as consistent as possible.

Common Production Shortcuts In Audacity

Tool Modes
Selection Tool - for selecting the audio to be edited
Envelope Tool - for creating fades in, fades out, and changing volume in different places of a track
Pencil Tool - for fine detail waveshape editing (pops and clicks)
Zoom Tool - left click to zoom in, right click to zoom out
Time Shift Tool - for moving regions of sound with in a track
Multi Tool Mode - position specific for faster access to the above tools

Zooming in and out horizontally - CTRL scroll wheel

New Track Command

Play/Stop - Space
Loop Play - Shft Space
Pause - P
Skip to start - Home
Skip to end - End
Record - R

Importing (ripping) Audio from CD
Quicktime or Windows Media Player


Compositing an ambience with multiple elements; foreground (VO), middleground, background

Compositing a sound effect from multiple elements: initial sound, envelope elements, ambient elements

Compositing a musical cue from tracks for: melody, ambience, action

Creating a musical cue and spotting to video

Reading Assignment - Help Files

  • Working with Tracks
  • Advanced Editing
  • Recording

Copyright © 2012 - 2015 David Javelosa