class assignments
resource page
week 01 notes
week 02 notes
week 03 notes
week 04 notes
week 05 notes
week 06 notes
week 07 notes
week 08 notes
week 09 notes
week 10 notes
week 11 notes
week 12 notes
week 13 notes
week 14 notes
week 15 notes
week 16 notes

: introduction to game audio and class overview
: physics of sound, Digital Audio basics
: history of game audio & synthesis basic, intro to SFXR - SFX
template (synthesis)
: sound editing, dialog and sound effects, recording sources and
sample libraries
: compositing sound, looping and layerings,
intro to Audacity
: sound effects assignment due (audio), sound design
: sound and music to visual game play, ambient looping
: branching loops due - desiging
sound to picture and script
: Protools/Gamemaker as a musical
composition tool, automation & MIDI
: MIDI pt.2 - audio production for animation
: video score midterm project due
: sound & music for Gamemaker,
interactive audio basics
: layer loop tester - sound design for multiple
entertainment platforms, repurposing
: interactive environments, looping vs. hits, web audio in Flash
: track loop tester - review and prep for final exam
& final project
: final project due
Course Description
This computer based course will introduce students to the fundamentals of
digital audio design and provide them with the basic tools to use the
technology appropriately, creatively, and effectively. The course will focus
on audio for games, digital media, and electronic music implementation.
Practical experience will be balanced by an emphasis on understanding the
fundamentals of the technology and its applications within the interactive
game industry.
Topics covered will include principles of good audio design; the essential
hardware and software tools of music production in a digital environment;
characteristics and differences between various audio formats; basic
principles of sound waveform editing; and recording techniques for
interactive and video integration.
Course Objectives
Arranged Hours Objectives
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
· Have a historical knowledge of digtal audio
technologies, formats and applications
· Create sound effects and audio backgrounds for interactive and linear
visual mediums
· Have a current understanding of digital audio applications for today’s
interactive entertainment technology
· Think critically and analyze audio in class and in a game design
· Increase understanding of and skill with digital audio tools through
· To create digital audio content suitable for accompanying portfolio
Review concepts and software techniques in class
Apply concepts and software techniques on student projects
Gain familiarity in the game audio production process through repetition
- Able to communicate
the principles of good audio design and identify the tools and
techniques required to produce high quality audio.
- Able to record, edit
and synch multi-track digital audio projects in a professional game
studio environment.
Recommended Skills
Computer literacy course or equivalent. Students must be familiar with the
use of the Windows OS, including files and folders, launching applications,
open/save, cut, copy, paste, and undo, use of the desktop, and an
understanding of basic applications and file management.
Navigate the internet using a web browser.
Manage files using either the Mac or Windows operating systems.
Send and receive email messages and attachments.
Use a word processing program like Microsoft Word or its equivalent.
Arranged Hours
This course requires 2 hours a week of
arranged lab hours. They can be done off-site.
- Sound Design for
Interactive Media, Joseph Cancellaro, Thomson delmar Learning
- Sound and Music for
Multimedia by David Javelosa, M&T
Books/IDG Press
- Pro Audio Reference by
Dennis A. Bohn, Rane Corp, isbn
- Sound and Recording,
Rumsey and McCormick, Focal Press
- Great Resources: http://www.audiographintlstore.com/default.as
- Walter Murch Articles
Methods of Presentation
You will need USB memory sticks and/or CD-Rs to backup and transport your
work. Assignments and projects will be turned in on CD-R, or delivered
electronically to the Academy server if smaller than 10 megs.
Remember to label your memory sticks and CD-Rs with your name and phone
number. Students often lose their items by leaving them in the classroom or
lab. Labeling your media will increase the chance you will find them in the
lost & found.
Lecture, discussion, demonstrations, hands-on projects, in-class computer
Methods of Evaluation
Grading is determined by participation and the timely completion of all
assignments, projects and exams. Assignments and projects will be judged on
technical execution and/or mastery of the underlying concepts. All coursework
submitted must be original, completed solely by you..
Full attendance is especially necessary since the projects must reflect
successful solutions to the design issues raised in class. A pattern of late
arrivals to class may result in a lowered grade or being dropped
after 2 missed classes. Assignments must be turned in on time, or
the grade will be lowered. Final projects that are submitted
late will NOT be accepted.
Students will be graded according to the originality of their approach to
the medium, competence in planning, as well as, overall understanding and
progress demonstrated in assignments, projects, tests and discussions.
Projects are due on the date listed on the syllabus.
To receive full credit, all assignments are due on time. Students are
responsible for submitting all work on time regardless of absence. Emailing
late assignments is NOT allowed. A late assignment may be submitted in class
one week after the due date with one grade drop. No assignments will be
accepted after that. Students must complete 75% of the coursework, including
the final project, to pass the course. Final projects that are
submitted late will NOT be accepted.
Attendance and class participation: 10%
Sound Effect Project: 10%
Branching Audio Project: 10%
Video Post Midterm: 20%
Loop Layer Project: 10%
Track Layer Project: 10%
FINAL game template Project: 20%
Total 100%
Superior performance. Excellent achievement and craftsmanship in all
work. Performs beyond course requirements.
Above average performance. Consistent progress and craftsmanship. Meets
all course requirements.
Average performance. Minimum time and effort spent on coursework.
Fulfills basic course requirements.
Uneven performance. Minimal output and improvement in work. Requirements
are only partially fulfilled.
60% and below
Fails to meet a minimum of performance levels. Does not exhibit
achievement or progress.
Withdrawal Policy
Students are responsible for withdrawing from a class and must not expect
faculty to initiate withdrawal procedures for them. If you wish to drop this
class, you may do so through the Admissions section of the SMC website,http://www.smc.edu/EnrollmentDevelopment/Admissions/Pages/default.aspx.
Please note the drop dates for the current term listed at http://www.smc.edu/EnrollmentDevelopment/Admissions/Pages/Dates-and-Deadlines.aspx.
The deadlines and dates for this term are also listed at the end of this
After the eighth week of classes, students must have faculty approval and
documentable extenuating circumstances to withdraw. Extenuating
circumstances are unavoidable circumstances that prevent students from
participating in further class activities and fulfilling remaining course
requirements. Poor student performance in the course will NOTbe considered as an extenuating
The sixteen week schedule is provided below for your information. Click here for the complete schedule including 8 week sessions.
Tuesday, February 18 |
Presidents' Day Holiday (CAMPUS CLOSED). |
Monday, February 17 |
*Remember: Students can enroll themselves into open classes until the night before the second class meeting (except online, hybrid and arranged hour classes). After that point an instructor's approval code will be required. |
Deadline to withdraw and receive REFUND (16 week session). |
Visit your Corsair Connect portal for specific deadline dates. |
Departmental Flex Day (NO CLASSES) CAMPUS OPEN. |
Friday, March 6 |
Deadline to withdraw and AVOID "W". |
Visit your Corsair Connect portal for specific deadline dates. |
Institutional Flex Day (NO CLASSES) CAMPUS OPEN. |
Tuesday, March 10 |
Deadline to apply for Pass/No Pass. |
Visit your Corsair Connect portal for course-specific deadline and to apply. |
Deadline to withdraw and receive GUARANTEED "W". No further enrollment transactions allowed after this deadline. From this point on, students must use the late withdrawal process which requires faculty approval based on extenuating circumstances. |
Visit your Corsair Connect portal for course-specific "Guaranteed W" deadline dates. |
April 13-17 |
Deadline to submit "Petition for Graduation" Spring Semester. |
Wednesday, April 15 |
Memorial Day Holiday (CAMPUS CLOSED). |
Monday, May 25, 2020 |
Spring Semester Final Exams. |
June 9 - 16 |
End of Spring Semester. |
Tuesday, June 16 |
Grades dues from Faculty. |
Tuesday, June 23 |
Final Dates
#1860 9:30a.m.-12:35p.m. Wed.. CMD 209
June 10, 2020
Classroom Policy
Academic Honesty
The SMC Honor Code and Code of Academic Integrity, printed in the General
Catalog, remind students of their responsibility to behave honestly and
ethically. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with these
codes. Please be extremely careful that you do not engage in any behavior
that could even be construed as cheating. Outside of class, students are
allowed to study together. However, copying another student's work is
not acceptable. If the instructor determines that students have violated the
SMC Honor Code and/or the Code of Academic Integrity, the students may be
assigned no credit. Future occurrences could result in academic disciplinary
action. During an exam, talking to another student, looking at another
student's paper or computer screen, using cheat notes or mobile devices, etc.
are not permitted.
Students are expected to attend ALL class
sessions, especially the first scheduled session. Lectures and hands-on
demonstrations will not be repeated for individual students. Please make a
commitment to be in class on time even if you have not completed the current
assignment. You are responsible for notifying your instructor in advance of
any absence or scheduling conflict. You may be dropped from the
class if you miss more than two consecutive classes without notifying your
Classroom Policy
Food or drink is prohibited in the classroom with the exception of water
bottles which are permitted as long as they remain closed and kept away from
all equipment. Use of the computers for purposes other than the assignments
for this class is not permitted. No cell phone or smart phone use will be
permitted in the classroom. Please turn off all electronic devices prior to
entering the classroom.
Recording of Class Lectures
In accordance with Section 78907 of the California Education Code, students
shall not use any electronic listening or recording device in any classroom
without the prior consent of the instructor, except as necessary to provide
reasonable auxiliary aids and academic adjustments to disabled students.
Students with Disabilities
Santa Monica College accommodates students with disabilities. If you qualify for any special accommodations due to a disability, you need to officially process your request through the Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) office as close to the beginning of the semester as possible. If you believe you have a learning disability that has not yet been documented, please notify the instructor and make an appointment at the DSPS office for assistance. The DSPS office is located in the Admissions/Student Services Complex, Room 101, and the phone numbers are (310) 434-4265 and (310) 434-4273 (TDD). Scheduling of accommodated exams will be arranged on a case-by-case basis.
Emergency Prepardedness
The safety of students at SMC is a priority. Please note that emergency procedures are posted in this classroom and every classroom. Also, procedures for various emergencies are delineated on the SMC website. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with these procedures today, when knowledge of what to do can be the most effective."
Students should schedule an appointment with the counselors in Student Services, CMD 116, to develop an Educational Plan. This is to ensure that you are taking the necessary courses to prepare meet your educational goals.
During the first two weeks of the semester, appointments are on a walk-in basis only.
Counselors’ Spring 2020 contact info to be announced.
College use of
student work
By participating in this course, you agree to allow your
work to be used by Santa Monica College for promotional purposes. These uses
include, but are not limited to, display in physical and web galleries,
promotional video tapes, and printed promotional pieces. You retain complete
rights to your work, and Santa Monica College may not use your work for
non-promotional purposes without your prior agreement.