home | et11 - Computer Skills for Digital Media -2011 edition

David Javelosa

Copyright © 2011, David Javelosa unless otherwise stated.


et11 assignments - week 02, week 04, week 08
week 02 assignment - Word Document due week 06 (printed hard copy!)

Read through on-line class notes, class policies, lab policies and review Windows basics.

Write a two page Word document on what interests you about working in digital media, due week 06. It should cover the following features:

Content in text with headings and paragraph formats, allignment around graphics; font and size variation

Content presented in a bulleted list, and numbered list, and in a table layout.

A minimum of FOUR graphical images imbedded into the document with proper formatting and alignment.

A printed HARD COPY must be handed in on week 06. Electronic assignments will be submitted weekly in the electronic dropbox.

week 04 assignment, Mid-term PowerPoint presentation due week 08

Develop a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation can use drawings or photos of your own, or you may scan images, and import them from the web. Delivery, layout and design should be geared for professional presentation.

The presentation should include the following:

  • a Main Point or Idea and a "catchy" title
  • overview description - table of contents
  • description of each bullet point (5 to 7 per frame)
  • logical sequence or navigation
  • graphics - sound & transitions optional

week 08 assignment, Flowchart/Navigation Map project due week 14

A navigation diagram or storyboard will be very helpfull with your media design.
Please turn in a copy of your design diagram as a preview of presenting your final project.
Higher grades are given for professionally formatted submissions. This should be considered part of your portfolio.

week 14 assignment, FINAL Digital Media project due week 16

Develop a Digital Media project in either Dreamweaver or GameMaker. The end result will be either a three page web site (html) or a stand-alone EXE file that should demonstrate the following:

  • navigation between pages or rooms going forward and backward, or random selection
  • the inclusion of graphics in the form of sprites or embedded media
  • examples of interaction such as roll-over changes; or cursor control of character sprites
  • interactive playback of sound and/or music optional
Grades at the "A" level will require more than these minimums. The more original the design, the better the grade.

Copyright © 2011, David Javelosa