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David Javelosa

Copyright © 2011, David Javelosa unless otherwise stated


week 15 - Game Maker, objects, sprites, rollovers and interactivity

Main Gamemaker Resources

Objects - which are the true entities in the game
Rooms - the places (levels) where the objects live
Sprites - (animated) images that are used to represent the objects
Sounds - either as "one-off" sound effects; or background music
Backgrounds - the images used as background for the rooms

For more complicated games, other resources include: paths, scripts, fonts and time lines.

The Global User Interface


Defining Sprites

Sprites are the visual representation of all the objects in a game.

  • single image, imported from any graphic program or created in internal editor
  • a set of images, to create an animated motion
  • GIF file that includes a series of animated actions






Defining Objects


Naming: related to it's function in the game and/or visual sprite representing it

Sprite: associating the object with it's sprite

Properties: visable allows the object to be seen; solid allows the object to collide

Events and Actions


Adding an event to an object allows it to respond to an action in the game, either from the player or other game objects. Associating actions with the event creates the behaviour of an object.


Move Actions: are related to the automatic or interactive movement of objects.


Creating Rooms


Objects is where instances can be added to the room
Settings allows for naming the room, creating a caption for the room, and dimension properties
Background is for setting the background image of the room.

Digital Media final presentation due next week

Reading Assignment:

  • Game Maker - Online help files & video tutorials

Copyright © 2008-2011 - David Javelosa