class assignments
resource page
01 notes
02 notes
week 03
week 04 notes
week 05 notes
week 06 notes
week 07 notes
week 08 notes
week 09 notes
week 10 notes
week 11 notes
week 12 notes
week 13 notes
week 14 notes
week 15 notes
week 16 notes
: class overview, project schedule, computer & lab policy, file management, windows basics
: screen capture; format pictures in Word tutorial; Excel basics
: Photoshop: interface, toolbox, palettes, option bar, selections, fill command
: Photoshop: image & canvas size, crop tool; paint & color tutorial, gradient tool
: Illustrator: raster vs. vector; tools & palettes; navigation, shape tools, GIF vs. JPG
: Audacity: digital audio basics, extracting from audio CD, DSP effects -PAPER DUE
: Powerpoint: text and image presentation; design & visualization; sound; basic animation
: presentation of midterm project
: Photoshop/ImageReady: images for the web, creating GIF animation file
: Audacity: multi-track audio, Premier digital video basics, sound and motion, file formats
: Powerpoint: transitions, interface vs. background sound, use of video, non-linear navigation
: Dreamweaver: design process, work interface, managing sites, creating a page with links
: Dreamweaver: styles and style management, tables, web graphics and formatting
: Dreamweaver: interface design, embedded media, intro to Gamemaker
: Gamemaker: creating objects with sprites, rollovers and other interactive behaviours
: presentation of final project |
This introductory course covers the computer skills, concepts, and essential software needed to work successfully in the fields of computer animation and interactive media. Students will learn the use of general computer skills such as file organization for projects, keyboard shortcuts, using local area networks, and using proper file suffixes. Digital image concepts such as vector vs. rastor images, color bit depth, and pixel dimensions will be introduced. Key software applications will be covered for rastor image editing, audio, web browsing, and spreadsheets |
Upon completion of the course the student will be able to
A. |
Efficiently work with the computer, create files and folders, use keyboard shortcuts, work in a cross-platform environment, and work on a network. |
B. |
Organize and name files correctly. |
C. |
Make proper backups of information on the computer. |
D. |
Utilize the fundamental concepts of digital images. |
E. |
Use the essential functions of software for bitmap images, vector images, audio, web browsing, and spreadsheets. |
Upon successful completion of the arranged hours, students will be able to practice working with digital images and audio.
Students will use the essential functions of computer software for
web browsing, and working with digital images and audio.
basic computer familiarity
3.0 |
- ”Software Essentials for Graphic Designers” by Mark Gatter is one of the few books that covers most of the creative programs we will use: Photoshop, Illustrator, and Dreamweaver.
Electronic media to backup and transport your work. All written assignments
MUST be handed in as hard copy. All original illustration is to be computer
printed or photocopied. No hand-done original work will be accepted. Reports
must be professionally presented for a higher grade. Remember to label your disks/sticks with your name and phone number. Students
often lose their media by leaving them in the classroom or lab. Labeling
your media will increase the chance you will find them in the lost &
Cloud drives such as Google Drive or Dropbox.com are highly encouraged for reliabillity and easy access. |
of Presentation
of Evaluation |
Lecture; discussion; demonstration; hands-on projects
The final student grade in this course will be based on a combination
of projects, class attendance, and participation. Full attendance is especially
necessary since the projects must reflect successful solutions to the
design issues raised in class. A pattern of late arrivals to class may
result in a lowered grade or being dropped after 2 missed classes.
There will be weekly class assignments turned in at the end of each class. Assignments will be judged
on technical execution, originality, and quality of design. Assignments must be turned
in on time, or the grade will be lowered. Final projects that are submitted late will NOT be accepted.
- Report/document combining original images with text and formatting 20%
- Mid-term Powerpoint presentation 30%
- Design flowchart and navigation map of final project 10%
- Final Project software presentation (web page or Gamemaker) 30%
- Class assignment participation 10%
- Total 100%
A |
Exceptional |
B |
Above average |
C |
Average |
D |
Below Average |
F |
Failing (or project not completed) |
It is the responsibility of the student to drop themselves from the
class. If you wish to drop the class, do so through the SMC Registration
Office. Please note the drop dates listed by the Registration
If a pattern of absences or late arrivals is noted, you may be dropped
from the class. |
The sixteen week schedule is provided below for your information. Click here for the complete schedule including 8 week sessions.
Monday, Feb. 12, 2018 |
Students can enroll themselves into open classes until the night before the second class meeting (except online, hybrid and arranged hour classes). |
Monday, Feb. 19, 2018 |
Deadline to withdraw and receive REFUND (16 week session). |
Visit your Corsair Connect portal. |
Deadline to withdraw and AVOID "W". |
Visit your Corsair Connect portal. |
Deadline to withdraw and receive GUARANTEED "W". |
Visit your Corsair Connect portal. |
Friday, March 2, 2018 |
Tuesday, March 13, 2018 |
Deadline to apply for Pass/No Pass. |
Monday, March 19, 2018 |
NO FURTHER TRANSACTIONS ALLOWED. Students must use the late withdrawal process which requires faculty approval with extenuating circumstances. NO GRADE check needed. |
Visit your Corsair Connect portal. |
April 9 - 13, 2018 |
Sunday, April 15, 2018 |
Final Exams. |
June 5 - 12, 2018 |
End of Spring Semester. |
Tuesday, June 12, 2018 |
Grades dues from Faculty. |
Tuesday, June 19, 2018 |
3368 02:00PM-05:50PM Th CMD208
June. 7, 2018 |
Academic Honesty
The SMC Honor Code and Code of Academic Integrity, printed in the General Catalog, remind students of their responsibility to behave honestly and ethically. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with these codes. Other guidance is also available online:
Student Responsibilities
Honor Code
Administrative Regulation 4412
Please be extremely careful that you do not engage in any behavior that could even be construed as cheating. Outside of class, students are allowed to study together. However, copying another student's work is not acceptable. If the instructor determines that students have violated the SMC Honor Code and/or the Code of Academic Integrity, the students may be assigned no credit. Future occurrences could result in academic disciplinary action. During an exam, talking to another student, looking at another student's paper or computer screen, using cheat notes or mobile devices, etc. are not permitted.
Students are expected to attend ALL class sessions, especially the first scheduled session. Lectures and hands-on demonstrations will not be repeated for individual students. Please make a commitment to be in class on time, arriving within the first 10 minutes of class, even if you have not completed the current assignment. You are responsible for notifying your instructor in advance of any absence or scheduling conflict. You may be dropped from the class if you miss more than two consecutive classes without notifying your instructor. Students who are out for 3 sessions due to illness need to provide a doctor’s note to be reinstated back into the class.
Classroom Policy
Food or drink is prohibited in the classroom with the exception of water bottles which are permitted as long as they remain closed and kept away from all equipment. Use of the computers for purposes other than the assignments for this class is not permitted. No cell phone or smart phone use will be permitted in the classroom. Please turn off all electronic devices prior to entering the classroom.
Recording of Class Lectures
In accordance with Section 78907 of the California Education Code, students shall not use any electronic listening or recording device in any classroom without the prior consent of the instructor, except as necessary to provide reasonable auxiliary aids and academic adjustments to disabled students.
Students with Disabilities
Santa Monica College accommodates students with disabilities. If you qualify for any special accommodations due to a disability, you need to officially process your request through the Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) office as close to the beginning of the semester as possible. If you believe you have a learning disability that has not yet been documented, please notify the instructor and make an appointment at the DSPS office for assistance. The DSPS office is located in the Admissions/Student Services Complex, Room 101, and the phone numbers are (310) 434-4265 and (310) 434-4273 (TDD). Scheduling of accommodated exams will be arranged on a case-by-case basis.
Emergency Prepardedness
The safety of students at SMC is a priority. Please note that emergency procedures are posted in this classroom and every classroom. Also, procedures for various emergencies are delineated on the SMC website. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with these procedures today, when knowledge of what to do can be the most effective."
Students should schedule an appointment with the counselors in Student Services, CMD 116, to develop an Educational Plan. This is to ensure that you are taking the necessary courses to prepare meet your educational goals.
During the first two weeks of the semester, appointments are given on a walk-in basis only. Please contact the counselors directly to make an appointment during the remainder of the semester:
Amanda Garcia Ashley Wadman
garcia_amanda@smc.edu wadman_ashley@smc.edu
By participating in this course, you agree to allow
your work to be used by Santa Monica College for promotional purposes.
These uses include, but are not limited to, display in physical and web
galleries, promotional video tapes, and printed promotional pieces. You
retain complete rights to your work, and Santa Monica College may not
use your work for non-promotional purposes without your prior agreement.
Some elements of the syllabus may be changed at the instructor’s discretion. Students will be given at least 48 hours notice of changes whenever possible. If there is any aspect of this syllabus which you do not understand, or to which you take exception, please let the instructor know within the first week of class. |